1. Which recently formed state of India was ruled by Nizam?
A. Chattisgarh
C. Telengana
D. None of the above.
2. If you are asked the question in which Indian city sun rays are vertically overhead at least two days in a year , what information would you ask for
A. Latitude
B. Longitude
C. Altitude
D. All the above.
3. In which of the following neighbouring countries sun rays would never fall vertically at least two days in a year in any of the places?
A. Maldives
B. Sri Lanka
C. Nepal
D. Bangladesh
4. If you are spending the summer vacation in the coast of Gulf of Mannar in which state you would be
A. Kerala
B. Orissa
C. Goa
D. Tamilnadu
5. Which of the following Indian state shares boundary with Nepal
.A. Arunachal Pradesh
B. Sikkim
C. Jharkhand
D. None of the above.
6. Can you identify this state and the physical feature shown in blue colour ?
7. Can you identify this state in white colour and name the states which shares border with it ?
8. can you Identiy the flags of two neighbours of India? What do these countries have in common?
if you had found the above set of questions difficult then you may kindly go through the post India location made easy posted on 21st May 2017
9. This is the capital of a North eastern state. It is also called the Scotland of East. Can you identify this place?10. Identify in which state of India you will find this airport .
11. In which Province you will be landing if you are going to land in Agatti airport ?
12.In which Indian state you would be if you come across this menu?
14. Which state you would be visiting if you have spend your summer vacation in the following places ?
15. In which state you would be touring if you happen to see this spectacle and carry this Pata chitra as souvenir ?
16. The union territory of India , Diu was ruled by which European power during the colonial period?
17. We follow the Indian standard time at almost all places in India but in Assam they follow the Tea garden time or the bagantime which is one hours ahead of Indian Standard time .This system was introduced during British time and it still continues to be used . Why do you think this system is successful?
A. Workers can optimally use the day light.
B. Sunrises one hour earlier in Assam when compared to IST.
C. Both A and B are correct.

18. You have two friends Pablo and Shizuoka who are from Mexico and Japan respectively . They have their birthdays on the same day i.e 14th February and they expect you to ring up at 0000hrs of the day (the very first minute their birthday starts in their country. At what time would you ring up Pablo and Shizuoka from India. Mexico is 6 hours behind GMT and Japan is 9 hours ahead of GMT.
A. 13th feb 2030hrs for Shizuka and 1130hrs on 14th feb for Pablo
B. 15th Feb 1130hrs for Pablo and 14th Feb 2030 hrs for Shizuoka
C. 14th Feb 0330 hrs for Shizuka and 14th feb 1930 hrs for Pablo
D. 14th Feb 1700 hrs for Pablo and 15th feb 0900 hrs for Shizuka
( how to go about this problem , you need to know the time difference between India and Japan and India and Mexico)
19. The students of your school are have a video conference with a school in Egypt . In your School in India you plan to have it from 1200hr( noon) to 1300 hrs. Between what time the students in Egypt are going to attend the conference?
20. You plan to go to Dubai on a holiday. Your plane takes off from Delhi at 1800 hour on 13th May and reaches Dubai after a flight of 3 hrs 30 minutes.. The standard time of UAE is four hours ahead of GMT.When you reach Dubai what will be the time set in your watch ?
a. 2200 hrs
b. 2100 hr
c. 2000 hrs
d. 1900 hrs
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