Page no 9 and 10 What did liberal nationalism stand for? Why merchant class stood for common currency? What is Zollverin ? French revolution of 1830 : Bourbons were removed by revolutionary nationalists and Louis Phillipe made ruler . Duke Mettternich ( when France Sneezes Europe catches cold ) Belgium breaks away from United Kingdom of Netherlands . Belgians struggle against Absolutist Dutch Monarchy. page number 12. Who was Duke Metternich Why did he consider liberals and nationalists as enemies of Social order ? Did these societies have a voice ? Were they gagged? Have you studied about any other personalities earlier who designated certain people as enemies of the state / social order /revolution ? Was 19th century a period of calm in Europe or turbulence ? What were the shock absorbers of the time ? ROMANTIC ARTISTS AND WRITERS GAVE A LOT OF IMPORTANCE TO REASON ( TRUE /FALSE) (PAGE 13) CULTURE CREATED A ROLE IN CREATING THE IDEA OF NATION ...