A. B. C. I.WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITION IS FAVOURABLE FOR INDONESIA, AUSTRALIA AS WELL AS PERU. 2. IN THE 19TH CENTURY WHEN CHEMICAL FERTILISERS WERE NOT INVENTED THE GUANO WERE IN GREAT DEMAND . IT IS DROPPING OF SEA BIRDS MAINLY CORMORANT . PERU USED TO EXPORT A LOT OF GUANO . CAN YOU GUESS THE REASON WHY PERU USED TO PRODUCE ABUNDANCE OF GUANO. (DOES THE COLD WATER NEAR THE PERUVIAN COAST HAVE ANY ROLE IN THIS). 3. Maldives and Lakshadweep support very large population even though they do not produce much of their food requirement especially rice which is the staple diet there. It does not mean that these islands were colonized during recent times, people in very large numbers have inhabited these islands for hundreds of years . Food grain is transported from India and Sri Lanka. This used to be done in the past (even during the times of sailing ships). Dry fish , copra and Jaggery( gu...