TRANSPORTATION POLICIES IN SOME COUNTRIES(COMPARISON OF VARIOUS SITUATIONS) SAUDI ARABIA AND IRAQ (DURING THE GOOD DAYS OF SADDAM HUSSEIN) The rulers of Saudi Arabia and Iraq had built a very good network of highways in their country during the 1980s and 90s even in the deserts so that the people can enjoy a very good means of transport .Fuel is very cheap in these countries and people can afford to buy and maintain a car. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The people can afford to buy a car and maintain a car. One must remember that USA has used the most fuel guzzling car till recent times. You need to pay to use the highways. People pay a fortune to keep several business alive(civil engineering ). USA has the highest number of cars per thousand people. SINGAPORE It is very difficult to maintain a car. The salary and living standards of the people of Singapore is in no way lesser than the developed countries. Cars are not manufactured in Singapore they import it a...