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Showing posts from September, 2016


TRANSPORTATION POLICIES IN SOME COUNTRIES(COMPARISON OF VARIOUS SITUATIONS) SAUDI ARABIA AND IRAQ (DURING THE GOOD DAYS OF SADDAM HUSSEIN) The rulers of Saudi Arabia and Iraq had built a very good network of highways in their country during the 1980s and 90s even in the deserts so that the people can enjoy a very good means of transport .Fuel is very cheap in these countries and people can afford to buy and maintain a car. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The people can afford to buy a car and maintain a car. One must remember that USA has used the most fuel guzzling car till recent times. You need to pay to use the highways. People pay a fortune   to keep several business alive(civil engineering ). USA has the highest number of cars per thousand people. SINGAPORE It is very difficult to maintain a car. The salary and living standards of the people of Singapore is in no way lesser than the developed countries. Cars are not manufactured in Singapore   they import it a...